OpenPlant Modeler Help

Structural ribbon

ProStructures is now delivered with OpenPlant Modeler . The Structural ribbon provides the option to place ProStructures Components in the plant model.


The Placement tools are freely accessible within the OpenPlant Modeler .You can use them without activating license.

Placement tools are as follows:

  • Place Shape
  • Create User Shape
  • Place Pad Footing
  • Place Wall/Panel
  • Plate Slab
  • Place Plate

Structural Objects

The Structural Objects tools such as Catwalk, Bracings, and Stair requires ProStructures license within OpenPlant Modeler . If you wish to use these commands, you must activate the ProStructures license.

You will get the following message if you try to place Structural Objects without activating the license.

To use Structural Objects activate the ProStructures.

ProStructures Activation

You can also activate ProStructures by clicking Activate from ribbon.
Or enter the following keyin to activate ProStructures.
Clicking Activate or entering keyin opens the following dialog,
Once you activate the ProStructures within the OpenPlant Modeler by any method a new workflow Structural Detailing is added.
Selecting the Structural Detailing workflow will open the following default ribbon.